Welcome to COPE LIKE Me!

Welcome to COPE LIKE Me!

Cope like me is a support network for people with mental illness. We are all in this together, so let's share ways we cope. Medicines and other things to help us get through our days, maybe hours, or minutes! 

I will be posting support articles, things you can do to cope. Numbers, hotlines and so on as well.

You can share your words and so on as well.

Notice that COPE LIKE is capitalized, but me is lowercase. That is because we are often made too feel like victims, or like we don't matter. You do matter. Let no one tell you otherwise.


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I bring you coping from AI and Bing copilot as well as My own wisdom. I am a sufferer of MDD, PTSD and Fibro. I am 47 years old.

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Content Disclaimer

Some of these articles are sourced from Copilot / BING AI search. It is free to use and allows you to copy the info with a little button.